Our first acitivity of the year 2009 was the obstacle race. This is our first obstacle race since 1999. All the members arrived at Wesley Methodist Church at 3.00 pm.Around 80 boys took part and they were divided into 6 teams. We had a short briefing and introduction after everyone has settled down. After that, Lance Corporal Jonahan Khoo led the singsparation with the song "ging gang guli guli". We start the race at 3.30 pm. with Team 1.
The first obstacle is they have to jump over a balance beam. After that, they will proceed to the maze. All the team members have to be blindfolded except for the team leader. The team leader will then have to lead the team members through the maze. The third obstacle is they have to crawl through a narrow hole and slide down from a pole. This the toughest of all the obstacle because it does not only test our members physically but mentally as well. For those who have phobia of heights, they hesitated before sliding down the pole which is around 2 metre.
the obstacle where they have to spin for 5 rounds and then pick as many ping pong balls they could with their mouth.
The second last obstacle is the much anticipated obstacle of the day. It is called the dark tunnel.
The boys will have to crawl through a tent which contains water inside it. And the best part is it is dark and they did not know that there is water inside. So, they were shocked yet thrilled to find out that they have to crawl through with water inside. In the end, each and everyone of them got wet after completing this obstacle. The last obstacle is the electric fence. This obstacle needs a lot of teamwork and communication among team members. Without these two, you will not be able to complete this challenging task. This obstacle requires the members to transfer each and everyone of them towards the other side of the without touching the fence. All teams were able to complete all the obstacles and finish it on time. Team 2 led by Adriel Ng and assist by Nicholas Ng is the winner for the obstacle race. Kudos to Team 2 for finishing the fastest of all. Overall, the obstacle race is a success and everyone enjoyed themselves on that even though some of them went back with mud on their clothes.
The boys will have to crawl through a tent which contains water inside it. And the best part is it is dark and they did not know that there is water inside. So, they were shocked yet thrilled to find out that they have to crawl through with water inside. In the end, each and everyone of them got wet after completing this obstacle. The last obstacle is the electric fence. This obstacle needs a lot of teamwork and communication among team members. Without these two, you will not be able to complete this challenging task. This obstacle requires the members to transfer each and everyone of them towards the other side of the without touching the fence. All teams were able to complete all the obstacles and finish it on time. Team 2 led by Adriel Ng and assist by Nicholas Ng is the winner for the obstacle race. Kudos to Team 2 for finishing the fastest of all. Overall, the obstacle race is a success and everyone enjoyed themselves on that even though some of them went back with mud on their clothes.